Dear o dear....
It happened at my sister's new house last week. The story begins like this......
While we are watching the new TV drama from Astro, we heard someone is shouting outside the house. But we dun know whether is from the front or from the back (semi-D sound come in from anywhere). We look around, but saw no one at the front.
But later my mum found out it is from the backyard. The Indian guy is shouting at his cows while guiding those cow to get their grasses.
But to her surprise, she saw the guy is carrying the "cangkul" - hoe on his shoulder. It is weird, and she suspect the guy stole our hoe which later we found it is true.
I shouted at him and he scold me as return. "Lu mau lu mai ambil... nah bagi balik"...... after that, he threw the hoe into the bushes and walk away. I need to go and get my hoe back!!! *&*^&%&$%&^
Dun understand..... HOE also wan?!!!!!
Theft: Cangkul pun mau??
Break of my Heart
It had been a while from the last post last month. As usual, I am kind of bz on all kind of stuff...
I would start to blog as much as I can.... There is something that drive me for a blog post even though I am very tiring right now.
My heart is breaking up... and it is breaking into pieces.. I am so sad now...
My 4 baby tea cup.. now down to 3..... I am so sad.... I had accidentally break one of them... break it into pieces....
I am so sad... and having of bad feeling something might happen... :P
It is a set of 4 of my tea set and now down to 3... when I look at the breaking one.. I am so sad.... and I feel like something missing when look at the 3 cups left.
Dun know how to tell about my feeling now.... SAD:(
ABC Soup

My wife pregnant for ~7 months and we start to cook ourselves for the dinner to ensure balance food for both baby and mummy.
Last weekend, we plan to prepare the ABC soup, (not Ais Batu Campur la)... is ABC soup...
What is that? I dun know..... is a mixture of few vege and meat. Dun know why they call this as ABC soup... may be this is a mixture of too many vege on one bowl.. :P
So we went to LipSin market to get the ingredient such as corn, potato, tomato, carrot, and onion. Of course, we need to get some pork for it.
The funny thing happen when we go to get the pork... here is the conversation...
Antie: How much u wan??
Me: I dun know.... :~(
Autie: What do u wan it for?
Me: Cook soup...
Autie: For how many person?
Me: 2 person
Autie: How many times?
Me: One time
Autie: "Ho Yee No Ko Bak Kut"... (give him 2 riggit bone)
Nothing funny right?.... but U didn't see the weird smile from all the butchers,and those customers... All of them looking at us.......they laugh at our conversation.....So embarassing... :(
Me first time ma... dun know ma......
But this is the soup we come out with.... look yummy or not?

It looks yummmy and taste yummy too.... yum yum........

Treasure Hunt
This is a treasure hunt hint for you, whoever able to locate this... win the prize....
What is the prize given? Haha... If you able to see this.... the prize is..... YOUR LIFE...
When you know which Petrol Station is equipped with that kit... you better run away from there and never visit it again...
This is the photo I shot at the Sungai Nibong... Believe or not.. go and have a look ... Labels: Complaint 5 comments nia.. I need more la • at Monday, April 28, 2008
New site: 3GB Community
Upon sigining up, 3gb did offer features that normal community system offered. But surprisngly they did offer something which is lack off by others which is the MP3 system and the chatting system. I am able to chat with Raymond from there. I am so happy with it as my company is having restriction of installing the normal instant messenger. This helps me to get connected to Raymond and some of my friend who join this community.
I like the chat system online as you can choose either chat is the public chatroom or you can add a private chatroom. You can make new friends from the public chatroom while having private chatroom as normal chatting with your friends. You may join 3gb community like me.
Ant Attack
PC Fair is around the corner and every year the photo-shop will join in the fair as well and will offer some crazy price for 1-2 units. First come first serve basics...Dun know if I am able to get 4D this Wednesday to get me my SLR.
okok.. back to the topic... Ant attack... that day I went to my new house to see any extension need for the plug or any new point needed...
But somehow, I say an ant attcking the mosquito... OMG... I believe the mosquito must be sleeping when the ant attacking, I never knew that ant eat mosquito la....

we never study about this... I tot ant only take up sweet thing... but a real life small mosquito.. never hear...

weird la.. at least to me la.. here is the shot.. might not be clear... may need to look carefuly to see which part is from ant and which one for the mosquito..
BTW... the mosquito still alive by the time I shot this. The ant is running around.. I can't get a good shot..... :(

Over-weight Issue
Over weight issue become more severe especially on the kids. I know sometime we can't control over our gen to become as what we want. But some control might be needed. I am having diet control now, I know how unhealthy and inconvenient to be a fat person.
Especially on the children. Look at the photo below.. dun know what to tell, they order a lot of side dishes and the main dish. It is too much for kids like them who already over weight.

I am sorry if I make you upset. But if anyone know him, I mean the father, please help to pass him a message. Control diet will help to build a stronger body.
Cyber Monday Hunt
Shopping is one of our favourite activity especially at US, the price is much more competitive compare to my homeland. My wife bought a lot of souvenir at each place we visit, such as Disneyland, Golden Gate, Fisherman wharf, Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas. Discounts and sales offer are something we are looking for in order to get item with lower and affordable price.
We can't wait until the Thanksgiving, which offer the best sales throughout the year. I wanted to get my SLR some accessories. I get to know from my friend, Andrew, in order to get the offer item, I might need to queue up the whole night.
My goodness!! it will be nightmare for me, but in order to get my dream gadgets, I have no choice.. I went to the Best Buy around 1.00am in the morning with my jacket. By the time I reach there, I was so disappointed. Why? You can't imagine, the queue already few hundred meter away from the shop. Some of them brought along their sleeping beg.
I was sad and disappointed and told Andrew about this. He is laughing at me. I knew he was able to get cheap stuff even without queue in the night. he told me his secret of success, purchase using the offer from cybermonday website. This website provides famous merchant such as Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Depot and many more.
It helps me to get my new lens using the 15% discount from the web on Best Buy. It helps me to safe a lot especially on the cyber morning. I managed to hunt for my wife favourite perfume with low price as well. She is so surprise when the shipment reach the door step.
It helps to make my trip meaningful. I love the site. Thank you Andrew for recommending it.
Cake Lover
But I think recently the competition between cake house is become stronger and they need to think of more creative shape and favor.
I manage to snap some shots on the cake when I visit the cake house... ok or not?
Look so "chio"(attractive).... but I can't finish the whole cake myself and buying slices of it doesn't feel like eating cake.... weird behavior..:P
But i dun know how u all having ur cake. I saw people using spoon to eat the whole cake.. how would it feel... wanna try one day....

Used Car Hunting
He plans to get a brand new car, but I advice him not to do so. It will be very heavy for him based on his current salary. So I recommended him to get an used car which is more affordable. But he is wondering what kind of choices he have and he wanted to make more research on the used cars.
I did recommend him to get the information online from this website who provides information on used cars such as how to inspect an used car before and after test drive, safe buying tips, and checklist. Those information are very useful for us to make a good decision on selecting an used car.
It provides potential buyer like us best prices by both private seller and dealer. The search of used cars in the site is simple and user friendly. I am able to look for my brother's favourite car Honda Civic easily, sorting by latest offers, distance and prices.
I hope he will get the car he need and doing a wise decision.
RM2 Sushi Hunt

Such a stingy person like me.. won't let go any chances of getting cheap offer and discount...
again another round of sushi king RM2 offer... I didn't miss any one of their offer.. including this round... I am not a sushi lover before I know my wife....She like sushi a lot and I get influenced.. and here I am,.. another sushi lover.
We get there quite late ~6.30pm and there are tons of people blocking the whole entrance and the weather is very hot. My wife is suffering.. since she is pregnant.. Long wait for food is not good for her and baby as well..

Luckily we've taken bread before get here expecting on the long queue. After 1hr of waiting, we managed to get in and get our food.
I am lucky enough to see my fren (the sushi king's chef) on duty. haha... can take advantage to get my favourite dish without having to wait... :P
But I feel not comfortable as a lot of ppl staring at me as I got special service.. as they have to wait to get their favourite dish.. but I don't.. :P

We din accomplish much this round as my wife is not advisable to comsume the raw food. We only select the cook one for her. But I take those raw one...
Poor little cook.. need to work hard to feed us...

New Blog Term
I had learn 2 new words today... FLOG and FLOGGER.... I dun think u can find any explanation in any dictionary. As I mention, this is a new word...
What is FLOG or FLOGGER??
FLOG = Food + Blog; so FLOGGER = Food Blogger..
Simple? Easy to understand. I believe you would understand, but not my parent.
So I wonder how I am going to communicate with my son or daughter in the future? Now we dun expect our parent or the elder to understand us, how we can expect our son and daughter will.........
I think I must blog as far as I still can blog. Hope my son blog too... at least it is a way of understand his feeling....
Another Billionaire
why? As i can spot those people with lot of $$.. I mean A LOT of $$ like zillionaire and now billionaire.

I believe they have high confident on the new government who will make a change to create a safe environment... That's why, they won't need to worry even if they declare themselve as RICH PEOPLE... :P
Fly In action
I dun know if I am lucky to spot all the weird scene, but it did happen.. Here I come another shot I get on my car.
This time.. no more spider, no more crazy rider on the road, but it is fly in action. OK.. see if you can see clearly from this shot... guess wat is happening?
can you see anything.. it is kind of blur.. for me.. it is blur... but still you might able to get it...
Ya .. as mention.. it is fly in action.. Hmm.. Shud i say flies?... but they had combine in one :P.. I am lucky enough to get the shot as normally the flies will fly away if u get near them and yet I dun have a great SLR to zoom and focus to get the shot...
Shud I get them warning letter, not to show off in public....? emm... dun know if they read :P
Man In Action: Super Stunt
I dun know if u have seen any crazy act on the road... yaya... I am one of them doing crazy act as well... else I won't be snapping photo while driving.
I am sorry... but still... I just tend to get some good shot and experience that I gain to share with you all. ..
Can you see what is in the shot? ok.. let me help u to focus.....
Still can't see? OPS.... ok.... get u a closer one... clearer?
Not enough?..... OMG.... ok.. this is the clearest and nearest shot I get.
Yes, believe in your eyes, the car is giving the cyclist a free ride by allowing him to hold the door while driving.
I believe the intention is good to get a free ride to the cyclist. But not in that way. It is dangerous for both the cyclist, driver as well as other road users.
I did experience the engine failure before on my bike and I need to push the bike to the nearest workshop and it is very suffering. That's the reason I understand how excited it is if anyone can give me a ride.
BUT not in this way... TOTALLY NOT......
Spider In Action
As the nature rules, the more colorful it is, the more poison it is.... I am lucky to discover him before getting into the car.

I dun know if is carries any poison, but definitely a bite from it won't be benificial at all. Unless I wan to be Spiderman... :P

10, 000 BC
Nothing much, just like the way it bring my emotion and excitement up and down. I have been long time didn't have such kind of movie.
The screen shot that I like most is during the D'leh found the "BIG BIRD", as well as the HUGE tiger facing him face to face and the piramid grand view.
And this movie did teach me about determination did help to make a difference.
So if u like it.. don't wait liao.... go and grab the ticket and go for the movie.
Hope u like it...
If you had been to the show, I don't know if you aware there is something not true about the movie vs the actual fact. I am not good in human history but the fact that stated in the wiki did make sense to me.
Woolly mammoths were not, in fact, used to build pyramids. Woolly mammoths weren't even found in the desert. They wouldn't need to be woolly if that were the case. And there weren't any pyramids in Egypt until 2,500 B.C or so. Also, horses weren't domesticated until six thousand years later than the film's setting, but soldiers on horseback are featured. And there is no place on Earth in which one can cross, on foot, in about 5 days, mountain, jungle, desert and a plethora of landscapes. And tribes were not multi-ethnical 12,000 years ago, and people did not use dreadlocks, nor mascara
Hair style
I dun know how long the baber need to get their master piece out, but for sure it take time and it may be expensive..
Dun ask me if I wan to give my hair a try.... No way and No $$$...
Here are some of them.. hope u like it..:P