Results of the Fight

What a day... last friday is the toughest day i had ever meet.... afetr taking lunch... i am damn nervous.... cant wait the clock to struck 3.30pm where i can make my way to the place of battle....

I am waiting in the battle field, waiting to fight with 3 monsters.... but... there come another one remote from US. What the heck......

The whole fight is good... i am able to handle all those tricky question....but i am nervous and cant perform 100% of myself...... we had a good fight around 20 round. Some i win, some i lose.

I had yet to know the end results. But the rewards of winning the fight no longer tempting to me. I get to know about what i am going to be and wat i m going to earn in the future after winning the fight.....

I no longer looking for the best results from there. But after this fight, I found my new adventure path which suit me the best... Be who I am....

thats end of the story... thanks everyone for their wishes and i appreciate it. Thanks.....

5 comments nia.. I need more la:

Dragon said...

I AM WHO I AM?? wakakakakaka.

CS said...

finally and finally... i found myself..

thanks a lot.... I found my new path.....

I am on my way to make it come true....

Choo Ong said...

all the best man!

David (AKK) said...

Good luck & enjoy with your new carrer path ;)

Anonymous said...

beingchoo, david: thanks for the wishes... apreciate it...

I will GAMBATE....