Most Frustrating Topic......

I had been using Google Analytics to analysis all my viewer and visitor that visit my site. This will help me to know which are the hottest topics and where is the main traffic source who enter my site. It helps me to improve further. About how to do it. I will post it in my coming new blog. Stay tune

I had added my personal blog few days back. And happy to see my traffic got increase. Very happy to see the chart. Thanks everyone who link to me and help to drive traffic to my blog.
Most Frustrating - 1
But when I further checkout on the traffic from the search engine.... I saw this.... refer to below photo....... I am stunned and speechless. And feel very angry about what I had seen. I can't believe my eye.
Most Frustrating - 2
Yes.. it is true..... ya.... they come to my blog when they search about 'Dora Goh Rape XXX' in the search engine. They seem to have interest for the video of the poor victims.... @#$@#@#%$^%&^&*^&^* Please forgive me. But I am so frustrated and please forgive me and I am totally piss off now.
If you are the one doing this, please close the blog right now. YOU are not WELCOME at all to my BLOG..... GET LOST.......

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

6 comments nia.. I need more la:

KC said...

nothing better to do than damaging people's reputation... go create your own and direct it to your own blog instead....

lovie said...

Why do they come to your blog because of this? I still don't quite understand. Hmmm.

CS said...

its because they are looking for the rape video and some how the comments for my post had those key words.. so they tot they can find the video in my blog... That's why they come to my blog.. and exit with empty handed..

what i am trying to tell is.. the victim is innocent, why there are poeple still looking for more stuff to hurt her even more?.....


Dragon said...

ya, ask them to get lost!

lovie said...

Some people are so cruel and evil, how can they hope for such bad things to happen. Stupid.

CS said...

but I just read an news posted by New Strait Time... unfortunately.. she is gang raped... :( i wonder if it is true... as most of the paper written as nothing happen on her..... even if it had happen.. i would say.. please make it like u dun know abt it.....